Let’s just admit it, shall we? We want to try them in a boat, with a goat, in a house, with a mouse… and so on and so forth! And no, we’re not off our rockers mad either. Because this is truly the tastiest combination to hit your breakfast plate since Canadian bacon met the English muffin. We’re talking about Green Eggs and Ham. Oh, come on. Do you honestly doubt the wisdom of Sam-I-Am?!

Green Eggs and Ham
- Frying Pan
- Cling Film
- 1 avocado
- 1 poached egg
- 5 bacon slices
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- Halve the avocado and remove the seed. Widen the hole in the center so that it's large enough to snugly fit a poached egg. Carefully remove the rind from the avocado with a spoon.
- Spread a sheet of cling film over a small bowl and crack open the egg over the film, being careful not to break the yolk. Draw the cling film together and close with a twisty tie or a bag clip. Cook the cling film baggie in simmering water for 5 minutes.
- Carefully peel the poached egg and place it in one half of the avocado, then cover it with the other half. Wrap the two halves together with slices of bacon, fully covering the exposed avocado flesh.
- Brown the bacon on all sides in a frying pan with just a touch of oil to keep it from sticking.
If you’ve got kids at home, this might be the perfect way to get them to try some avocado. What better persuasive text could you ask for than Dr. Seuss himself? And if there are no kids to eat these Green Eggs and Ham with, you could always enjoy them with a fox… in a box!