Posted inMain Dishes, Recipes

This trio is to die for: Creamy Chicken Pasta

Credit: MediaPartisans

It may be the start of a new year and for some, the annual promise to self to eat more vegetables and spend more time on the treadmill. While that’s a perfectly respectable goal, one can’t spend all one’s meals in self-denial. So when do you decide that a little “cheating” is in order, make sure it tastes as good as this incredibly tasty pasta dish!

Creamy Chicken Pasta

Course Main Dishes


  • Frying Pan


  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 7 oz grated mozzarella
  • 9 oz cooked noodles
  • 9 oz cooked broccoli
  • 3.5 oz fried bacon
  • salt and pepper


  • Heat a little oil in a frying pan and cook the chicken on both sides. As soon as the chicken is done, remove, add a bit more oil to the pan and lightly brown the garlic.
  • Add milk, cream, and grated cheese. Stir until the cheese is dissolved and the sauce has a smooth consistency.
  • Add the cooked noodles and mix thoroughly in the sauce. Then add the broccoli, bacon and sliced chicken breast.



If this is too much guilt for one dish, you can always use low-fat versions of milk, cream and cheese. Not to mention turkey bacon as a substitute! Of course, there is the argument that fuller fat versions are actually more satisfying and thus you'll snack less later. Either way, this dish is to be savored — enjoy!

If this is too much guilt for one dish, you can always use low-fat versions of milk, cream and cheese. Not to mention turkey bacon as a substitute! Of course, there is the argument that fuller fat versions are actually more satisfying and thus you’ll snack less later. Either way, this dish is to be savored — enjoy!