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5 Awesome Onion Recipes

5 Awesome Onion Recipes
5 Awesome Onion Recipes Credit: MediaPartisans

Onions are one of those ingredients that you want to make sure you always have on hand, since they’re such an important part of so many recipes. We add chopped onions to most savory dishes to enhance the flavor, so we though it was high time to try out some recipes that make onions the star of the show! These 5 recipes are all designed to put onions in the spotlight for a change. From our savory onion cake to delicious bacon onion bombs for the grill, these onion dishes will have you crying tears of joy!

1. Zwiebelkuchen: German Onion Cake

If you think cake tastes better sweet, then you’re about to get your just desserts. The Germans know a thing or two about savory treats, and whether you call it a quiche, tart, pie, or cake, there’s no denying that their satiating zwiebelkuchen stuffed with onions, bacon, and cheese is a hearty dish for the ages! Get the recipe for the German Onion Cake.

German-Style Zwiebelkuchen

2. Cheese-Filled Onion & Eggplant Octopus

Octopus isn’t for everyone, but how would you feel about eating fried octopus that isn’t octopus at all? Instead of preparing seafood, we opted for a vegetarian dish that’s designed to look like an adorable little sea creature! This particular octopus is made out of an onion stuffed with shredded cheddar cheese and tender, juicy eggplant. Trust us, nobody will be able to keep their tentacles off of this dish! Get the recipe for the Fried Eggplant Octopus.

Cheese-Filled Onion And Eggplant Octopus

3. BBQ Bacon Onion Bombs

There are certain staples that pop up anytime someone hosts a cookout, like steak, ribs, and hamburgers. But every once in a while, you have to switch things up a bit and try out new dishes. That’s why we’re excited to introduce these delicious onion bombs! They’re stuffed with ground beef & cheese, wrapped in bacon, and coated in BBQ sauce before they get thrown on the grill. Adjectives like ‘juicy’ and ‘tasty’ don’t even come to close to describing how amazing these onion bombs are! Get the recipe for the BBQ Bacon Onion Bombs.

BBQ Bacon Onion Bombs

4. Ground Beef Kofta & Roasted Onion Kebab

This recipe deserves a medal – not just for how delicious it is, but also for how creative it is. When you think of the word ‘kebab’, a beloved dish made out of grilled meat and vegetables probably comes to mind. Well, we’re here to show you how to make an even more delicious kind of kebab made out of an onion! Go ahead and grab the biggest onion you’ve got, a long wooden skewer, some ground beef, and a glass filled with rice, and we’re ready to get started! Get the recipe for the Kofta & Roasted Onion Kebab.

Ground Beef Kofta & Roasted Onion Kebab

5. Lasagna Onion Bombs

We all know that the onion is one of the most popular vegetables worldwide, especially because of its amazing ability to add flavor to a whole range of savory dishes. But out of all of the ways to cook with onions, we’re pretty sure you’ve never used them quite like this before! These deef-fried lasagna bombs make for a fabulous snack with their crispy outer shell, delicious flavor, and creamy filling. Who knew something so small could pack such a big punch?! Get the recipe for the Lasagna Onion Bombs.

Lasagna Onion Bombs

Oh onions, what would we do without you? Delicious, healthy, and fragrant – it’s high time we give this flavor enhancer the attention it deserves! These 5 onion recipes prove that onions have what it takes to be the highlight of the dinner table.