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4 Devilishly Delicious Deviled Egg Recipes

We’re calling it right now: deviled eggs are about to make a huge comeback! What used to be a super trendy appetizer has in the last couple of years not been getting the love and appreciation it deserves. That’s all about to change, though, because we have 4 deviled egg recipes that not only taste […]

4 Devilishly Delicious Deviled Egg Recipes
4 Devilishly Delicious Deviled Egg Recipes Credit: MediaPartisans

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We’re calling it right now: deviled eggs are about to make a huge comeback! What used to be a super trendy appetizer has in the last couple of years not been getting the love and appreciation it deserves. That’s all about to change, though, because we have 4 deviled egg recipes that not only taste devilishly good, they also look the part!

1. Baby Strollers

You’ll Need:

  • 6 hard-boiled eggs
  • cream cheese
  • salt
  • hot dog
  • black olive
  • carrot

Here’s How:

1.1 Peel the hard-boiled eggs, cut them in half lengthwise (slightly off-center), and remove the egg yolks from both halves.

1.2 Mix the yolks with the cream cheese and a pinch of salt in a bowl until creamy, then transfer to a piping bag.

1.3 Fill the larger half of the hollowed-out eggs with some of the egg yolk mixture.

1.4 Cut the hot dog into small pieces and put one piece in the egg yolk mixture.

1.5 Use a straw to cut out 2 round pieces from an olive and 1 from a carrot for the baby’s eyes and pacifier.

1.6 Now all you need to do is to cut the remaining egg halves in half again and put them over the babies’ heads.

2. Devils

You’ll Need:

  • 6 hard-boiled eggs 
  • cream cheese
  • ½ avocado
  • salt
  • red chili pepper
  • crushed red pepper

Here’s How:

2.1 Peel the hard-boiled eggs and cut them in half lengthwise. Add the egg yolks, avocado, cream cheese, and a pinch of salt to a bowl and mix well.

2.2 Fill the egg halves with the mixture.

2.3 Add red chili pepper slices for horns and crushed red pepper flakes for eyes.

3. Baby Chicks

You’ll Need:

  • 6 hard-boiled eggs
  • cream cheese
  • salt
  • black olive
  • carrot

Here’s How:

3.1 Cut off the tops of the peeled eggs, add the yolks to a bowl, and mix with the cream cheese and salt until creamy.

3.2 Add the mixture to a piping bag and fill the egg white halves so that they’re overflowing before putting the lid back on.

3.3 Use a straw to cut out small pieces of olive and cut the carrot into small pieces. Use the olive pieces for the chick’s eyes and the carrot pieces for the beak.

4. Baskets

You’ll Need:

  • 6 hard-boiled eggs
  • 3 tbsp cream cheese
  • salt
  • avocado
  • tomato
  • corn
  • red onion
  • parsley
  • chives

Here’s How:

4.1 Peel the hard-boiled eggs and cut off the tops. Mix the yolks with the cream cheese and a pinch of salt until creamy, then transfer to a piping bag and pipe into the hollowed-out egg whites.

4.2 Dice the avocado, tomato, red onion, and parsley and stick the pieces in the egg yolk mixture, along with the corn kernels. 

4.3 Use a chive stalk as the basket handle and you’ll be going to heaven in a handbasket.

Boring regular deviled eggs turned into modern masterpieces – the devil you say! Seriously though, you have to make these deviled eggs, they’re eggceptional!

Get the recipes for the 4 Fun & Crazy Ways To Prepare Eggs.